

學校名稱: 新加坡管理學院



地址:金文泰路461號, 新加坡郵政編碼599491


交通:地鐵, 巴士等公共交通(金文泰地鐵站乘搭52, 154, 184号  巴士)

Name of Institution: Singapore Institute of Management

Website: Chinese)


Address: 461 Clementi Road, Singapore 599491


Transport: By Bus, Train (Take Bus 52, 154, 184 from Clementi MRT Station)



SIM 集團(SIM Group) 是新加坡領先的高等教育學府與專業培訓機構, 在經濟發展成為支持新加坡工業化倡議下, 成立於1964 年。時至今日,該集團通過各个教育品牌已發展成為活力十足的多元機構,為各界提供各項課程與服務。SIM 集團同時也是一所專業會員組織,擁有50,000 名個人與公司會員。我們範圍廣闊的會員項目、活動和資源為學生和會員提供了交流與學習的重要紐帶。

SIM 集團通過以下三項核心教育品牌提供國際教育和培訓服務:

SIM 全球教育(SIM Global Education)

SIM 全球教育在新加坡拥有54 年的悠久歷史,連續八年被AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards 選為前三大最佳私立教育機構。作為新加坡首屈一指的私立教育機構,SIM 全球教育與美國、英國及澳大利亞的國際知名大學與教育機構建立夥伴關係,合作提供80 多種國際課程。現今已有150,000 名畢業生和19,000 名在籍學生,其中3,200 名為國際學生。


我們以優質的學術標準和充滿活力的學生體驗為榮,致力於提供使學生擁有獨立思考和能力的教育并激發他們的熱情,在日益複雜的全球市場中脫穎而出。我們廣大的國際學生社區中,設有70 多個學生社團,可幫助他們在新的環境中發展人際關係並吸收各種文化。除此之外為了確保學習品質,校園裡裝置了最先進的設備, 包括高速的無線上網圖書館,室內與室外的讀書與休息中心,健身房, 以及藝文運動中心和網球場等等。


SIM GE的合作夥伴有-布法羅紐約州立大學、倫敦大學、皇家墨爾本理工大學、伍倫貢大學、伯明翰大學以及華威大學。課堂由不同國籍教授指導,讓學生可以吸取國際觀點,又能融合亞洲的市場概念。

SIM 國際學校(International Academy)

SIM 國際學院(SIM IA) 為12 至18 歲的學生提供劍橋IGCSE 以及國際A Level 課程。這些課程由英國劍橋大學考試委員會國際考試部開發並授予。由通曉當地和國際課程、經驗豐富的師資執教,SIM IA 的學生們可以在嚴謹學術課程的灌溉之下,成為充滿好奇的學習者、推動社區的建設家,以及創意領導者。


SIM 國際學院提供6 年制的劍橋國際中等教育普通證書(International General Certificate of Secondary Education,IGCSE) 以及國際A Level 課程,培養學生提問和溝通的能力,以及企業思維。我們同時也提供將所學實踐於STEM (Science 科學、Technology 科技、Engineering 工程和Mathematics 數學) 以及社會科學的專屬課程。

SIM 專業發展(SIM Professional Development)

SIM專業發展機構為公司職員開辦的培訓課程協助公司改進各個管理領域與人力資源發展的效率。SIM專業發展機構舉辦的執行人員短期培訓課程每一年有超過11,000 名專業人士受惠。

Institution Write Up

Singapore Institute of Management

The Singapore Institute of Management (SIM Group) is the leading provider of higher education and professional training in Singapore. Founded in 1964 as an initiative by the Economic Development Board to support Singapore’s industrialisation, the SIM Group offers various educational and training services.

SIM Global Education (SIM GE)is the global arm of the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM Group). As one of the largest and leading private education institutions in Singapore, we take pride in our reputation for quality academic standards and a vibrant student experience. We are committed to delivering an education that empowers individuals in their thoughts and actions. Over the years, more than 150,000 SIM GE graduates have achieved their aspirations through SIM. The current student enrolment is 19,000 students with about 3,200 international students from over 40 countries. 

SIM GE works in partnership with top-ranking international universities from US, UK and Australia, offering over 80 academic programmes including Diploma, degree and master specialisations. Partner universities include University at Buffalo, The State University of New York from US, RMIT University and University of Wollongong from Australia, The University of Warwick, University of London, and University of Birmingham from UK amongst others.

Our aim is to inspire passion in our students, to excel and to be global ready in the increasingly complex global marketplace. We believe that an active student life is extremely important in cultivating an all-round education. Therefore our wide range of international student communities, with more than 70 student clubs, will help students network and assimilate in a new environment. Ourstudent-centric campus includes facilities such as lecture theatres, seminar rooms and computer laboratories, as well as a sports hall, performing arts theatre, multi-purpose halls, a financial training centre and a management library. Also on campus is a student activity hub which provides a focal point for students’ social interaction and recreation, and a student care and wellness centre that organises programmes to promote healthy and optimal living.

In today’s fast-changing world, the ability to adapt and evolve with flexibility is essential.

With our multicultural learning environment and diverse campus life, students will gain the skills, knowledge and insights needed to be global career-ready.

SIM International Academy (SIM IA)offers the Cambridge IGCSE and International A Level to students aged 12 to 18. These programmes have been developed and awarded by Cambridge Assessment International Education, United Kingdom. Taught by faculty experienced in local and international curricula, students at SIM IA can expect a rigorous academic programme that nurtures them into Curious Learners, Community Builders and Creative Leaders.SIM IA offers a 6-year Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International A Level curriculum that nurtures inquiry, communication and an enterprise mindset. We also offer programmes designed to focus on applied learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and the Social Sciences.

SIM Professional Development (SIM PD)offers a holistic and immersive professional learning experience for C-suite executives and PMEs to grow their skills through training and exposure to top global thinking and management best practices. Our executive programmes, business insights events and professional interest groups plug learners in more ways than one into an extensive learning network to stay versatile, innovative and market ready. Over 11,000 professionals have benefited annually from these programmes. 


SIM Majors and Employment Opportunities


Students may choose to embark on their diploma, undergraduate degree or postgraduate degree from one of the 80 over international programmes offered by SIM GE’s partner universities. Diploma, degree and masters specialisations include Accounting, Banking, Business, Communication, Computing, Economics, Engineering Business Management, Management Studies, Finance, International Business, International Relations, Supply Chain and Logistics, Psychology, Sociology etc.


Employment related matters:

SIM Career Connect is an interactive space for students to seek assistance and guidance on a myriad of services initiated by SIM GE Career Development Office.  

Core Businesses

  • Career Guidance & Internship
  • Career Events & Programmes
  • Student Engagement & Outreach
  • Alumni Engagement
  • Faculty Engagement
  • Talent Development Programme
  • Career Chapters



  • Develop a career competitive edge
  • Build industry networking & professional connections
  • Streamline career aspirations


Connect with us

Students are welcome to visit us or call to consult for any query pertaining to career development.

Venue: Career Connect (Block B, Level 1) 

Opening hours: 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday).
Phone: +65 6248 0281 


SIM 全球教育體驗


職場上種類繁多的工作機會,令人眼花繚亂。除了考慮可供選擇的職業類別,還要做好從學生身份過渡到職場人士的準備。SIM 職業聯繫中心(SIM Career Connect)會幫学生分析自己主要的優勢與興趣所在,並篩選與之匹配的職業選擇。


以下是SIM 職業聯繫中心所提供的服務專案和活動。


• 職業指導

• 職業培訓專案與安排

• SIM 招聘博覽會

• 公司招聘講座

• 社交活動

• 實習



有望在會計、銀行業、通信、人力資源、行銷及IT 等相關領域獲得專業實習機會以及由專











生活不應僅局限於書籍、考試和資格。若您是SIM 全球教育的學生,則尤其如此。對我們來說,您接受的教育涵蓋了廣泛的知識、技能和活動;典型的課堂內外。請閱讀並瞭解更多關於SIM GE 校園生活的諸多方面。

職涯服務(CS) 部門

SIM 職涯服務部門為我們的全日制學生提供機會,以幫助他們實際瞭解職場。我們的計劃和服務幫助學生從學業生涯過渡到職涯選擇,重點是職涯探索、求職技能發展和策略以及與企業的關係。

為實現這一目標,職涯服務部門提供了各種不同的計劃,旨在幫助我們的學生能順利進入職場。其中很好的例子就是公司招聘說明會和主要年度活動- SIM 招聘會。












參加專門組織的領導力或個人發展研討會,或登台唱歌、跳舞或表演。划船,打拳或踢球。期待您參與所有這些激動人心的活動。為了滿足文化、藝術、智力和體育活動的需要,學校提供了超過70 個學生組織,而學生肯定能找到一兩個對其感興趣的學生組織。對於那些利他主義者,SDEV 還組織社區服務專案,幫助向不太幸運的人傳播微笑。






平均而言,預計每月消費1,600 新幣至2,400 新幣不等。以下為對每月必需品的成本的估計︰

·         租一間公寓(雙人房)900 新幣

·         食物(校園食堂和偶爾的餐廳用餐)450 新幣- 600 新幣

·         交通(乘坐公車和火車以及偶爾乘坐計程車)150 新幣- 200 新幣

·         各種費用(特價購物、電影、夜間活動)350 新幣- 500 新幣




·         配備有冷氣機的公共圖書館分館,館內設有咖啡廳,供應拿鐵、小吃和輕食。可自由借閱書籍、有聲讀物以及雜誌

·         有關歷史和文化主題的博物館

·         海岸公園以及其他適合慢跑和散步的公園

·         回歸自然的景點包括萬里動物園、裕廊飛禽公園、夜間野生動物園、濱海灣花園,雙溪布洛濕地和麥里芝蓄水池自然保護區

·         戶外活動,如路跑活動、龍舟賽和文化遊行




E. Student Life and Living in Singapore & Accommodation


Student Life


Life is so much more than just books, exams and qualifications. This is especially true if you are a student at SIM Global Education. To us, your education encompasses a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and activities; both inside and outside of the typical classroom. Read on and learn more about the many facets of student life in SIM GE.

Career Services (CS) Department

At SIM Career Services, we provide opportunities that help our full-time students gain a practical understanding of the working world. Our programmes and services assist students in making the transition from academic life to their career of choice, focusing on career exploration, job search skills development and strategies, and connections with employers.

To achieve this, Career Services offers a wide range of programmes designed to help ease our students into the working world. Some examples are the Company Recruitment Talks and the major annual event - SIM Job Fair.

Other complementary services that are designed to equip and support our students for the competitive marketplace include Workshops, Career Clinics, and Coaching.

Office of Global Learning 

The Office of Global Learning provides a raft of academic programmes, service learning trips, global competence workshops and other unique opportunities to help you orientate your Attitude, acquire Knowledge, develop Skills and enrich your learning and working Experience.

The programmes are Summer Abroad, Service Learning Project, Global Competence Workshop (Certificate Programme), Global Learning Society, Customised Programme and the Global Village.

Office of Internship and Industry Engagement

Internships allow students to observe and contribute to the work environment in a myriad of different industries and roles. This brings new depth and meaning to their classroom work. Students may also look at internships as a way to confirm their interest in a given field or discipline, providing a platform to network with industry professionals, build contacts, and even secure full-time employment.

We assist any qualified student in obtaining and maintaining an internship experience, providing internship guidance and counselling, developing and monitoring student application and evaluation procedures. 

Student Care Department

The vision of the Student Care Department is to develop resilient individuals who lead healthy, effective, and balanced lives. The Student Care Department plans and organises programmes to equip students with knowledge skills and attitudes for healthy and effective living. Structures are also in place for the provision of counselling services or peer support to students who face challenges and need help.

In addition, the Student Care Department provides support for the administration of Scholarships and Bursaries. 

Student Development Department (SDEV)

The Student Development Department strives to meet the preference of all our students.

Attend specially organised leadership or personal development workshops or get on stage to sing, dance or act. Row a boat, throw a punch, or kick a ball. All these exciting activities are just waiting for your participation. With more than 70 student organisations that cater to cultural, artistic, intellectual, and sporting activities, students can be sure to find one or two that interest them. For those who are altruistic, SDEV also organises community service projects that help to spread the smile to the less fortunate.

Beyond the fun and games, students will have the opportunity to plan, organise and manage these activities, helping them grow as a leader and improve organisational and people skills.

Living in Singapore



Cost of living

On average, expect to spend from S$1,600 to $2,400 each month. Here’re estimates of the cost of monthly essentials:

·         Rent in a flat (twin-sharing room) $900

·         Food (canteen on campus & occasional restaurant meals) $450-$600

·         Transport (bus & train trips & occasional taxi rides) $150-$200

·         Assorted expenses (bargain shopping, movies, night out) $350-$500


Joy of living

Singapore offers many public amenities and outdoor events:

·         Airconditioned public library branches, complete with a café for latte, snacks and light meals. Books, audio books and magazines can be borrowed freely

·         Museums on historical and cultural themes

·         Coastal and other parks for jogging and walking

·         Back-to-nature spots include Mandai Zoo, Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari, Garden by the Bay, Sungei Buloh wetland and MacRitchie Reservoir nature reserve

·         Outdoor events such as running events, dragon boat competitions and cultural processions


For more information about Accommodation options, please refer to the following website:





在我們生活的每一個階段,我們都會步入新環境、新情境,結識新朋友。SIM GE 是一個節奏快且活力十足的組織,充滿了挑戰和樂趣。學生會的成立代表了學生的需求,並以您的名義發表意見。

學生會讓您有機會領導緊密團結的社區並成為其不可或缺的一部分。學生會可讓您在SIM 中體驗到真正全面而充實的校園生活。我們已經有幾個活躍的學生會,並且我們將計劃成立更多的學生會。 



走出您的舒適區,搬到另一個國家去接受最好的教育,無疑是一次非常激動人心的冒險。但您永遠不會孤單,因為SIM GE 有一個熱情友好的社區,正等待幫助作為SIM GE 學生的您能輕鬆融入新生活。

F. Student Activities and Communities

International Students Community


At every phase of our lives, we step into new environments, new situations and we meet new people. SIM GE is a vibrant, fast paced organisation with its share of challenges and joys. The Student Councils have been formed to represent the needs of the students and to be a voice on your behalf.

Student councils give you the opportunity to lead and to be a part of a close-knit community. Through the Student Councils, you can experience a truly holistic and fulfilling student life at SIM. Already, we have several active Student Councils and we will have more in the works. 

International Students Community


Stepping out of your comfort zone and moving to a different country to get the best education is a very exciting adventure. But you are never alone as there is a warm and friendly community at SIM GE that is just waiting to help you ease into your new life as a student at SIM GE.




在截止日期前於 進行申請。


1.       教育證書(例如,「O」與「A」水準證書、大專文憑、考試成績單等)。若文件不是英文的,則必須提供英文譯本以及經過公證的副本。
2.       NRIC 或FIN/護照(適用於申請課程的國際學生)。

3.       您的護照照片。

您的照片必須是最近3 個月內拍攝的。照片格式為JPEG,像素為400 ×514,檔案大小約為60KB。


使用連接到電腦的影印機或掃描儀將所有證明文件掃描為JPEG 影像檔案。
線上申請期間,同時上傳這些已掃描的文件副本。若尚未備妥這些文件,亦可稍後上傳;但須在申請後7 日內上傳。

若您住在新加坡,請在提交申請後的7 日內,或在截止日期之前(以較早者為準),將您的原始文件送至SIM 總部A 樓2 層的招生中心進行驗證。

您必須在提交申請時支付申請費用。這項費用不可退還且不可轉讓。僅在未入學的情況下全額退還。未付款的申請將不予處理。費用含7% 消費稅。


可使用MasterCard/Visa 信用卡或eNETS 來支付申請費用。



所有申請與文件提交均須線上完成。紙本申請表只適用於華威大學和伯明翰大學的研究生課程。若要申請這些大學的課程,請前往SIM GE 網站下載申請表副本。填寫申請表並透過郵局郵寄到:

HE 3 Department 
Singapore Institute of Management
SIM Headquarters, 461 Clementi Road
Singapore 599491

G. Admissions

How to Apply

Ensure you’ve met the academic and English Language requirements for the programme.

Have all supporting documents ready.

Apply at before the closing date.

Supporting documents

1.       Educational certificates (e.g. 'O' and 'A' level certificates, diplomas, exam transcripts, etc). English-translated, notarised copies are required if documents are not in English.
2.       NRIC or FIN/passport (for international applicants).

3.       Your passport photo.

Your photo must be taken in the last 3 months. It is to be in JPEG format, 400 by 514 pixels, and file size of around 60KB.

Scan and upload documents

Use a photocopier or scanner connected to your PC to scan all supporting documents as JPEG image files.

During your online application, upload these scanned copies of your documents at the same time. If you don’t have these documents ready, you may upload them later; but do so within 7 days after your application.

For international applicants, you have to submit an online Student’s Pass application form as well. 

Visit Student Recruitment Centre

If you’re living in Singapore, bring your original documents for verification at Student Recruitment Centre, SIM HQ Block A, Level 2, within 7 days of submitting your application, or before the closing date, whichever is earlier.

If you’re an international applicant, bring your original documents with you when you come to Singapore. We will need to check them for verification.

Application fees

You must pay an application fee together with your application. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. The fee is refunded fully only if the intake does not commence. Applications without fee payment will not be processed. The fees are inclusive of 7% GST.

Local applicants: S$96.30. International applicants: S$321.00

MasterCard / Visa credit card or eNETS can be used to pay application fee.

Application outcome & Acceptance of offer

Applicants will be informed by e-mail of the result of their application within one month before the course starts. Spoken offers of admission are not valid.

When you received the offer, you must go online to confirm the offer. You will also see the student contract document which you have to accept and submit back to us. 

Application on paper forms

All application and document submission must be done online. Paper-based application forms are only for the postgraduate programmes of the University of Warwick and University of Birmingham. To apply for these universities’ programmes, download a copy of the application form at SIM GE’s web site. Fill in the form and mail it through the Post Office, to:

HE 3 Department 
Singapore Institute of Management
SIM Headquarters, 461 Clementi Road
Singapore 599491


SIM GE 還設立了獎學金,嘉獎學習成績優異或在藝術與體育方面表現突出的學生。該獎學金包含了學費、固定書簿津貼、考試費和其他強制性費用。不附帶任何合約。

如需SIM GE 獎學金的更多資訊,請造訪

SIM GE also offers scholarships to students with exemplary academic results or achievements in arts and sports. The scholarship covers tuition fees, a fixed book allowance, examination fees and other compulsory fees. There is no bond attached.

For more information about the SIM GE scholarship, please refer to